Life Group

On Mondays I have 5-10 kids come to my house for Life Group. Initially this was referred to as a ‘learning group’ but I soon realised the negative connotations the word ‘learning’ had for kids that had previously attended school. Learning was associated with arduous and meaningless tasks. Learning was forced and there was no control in how learning could occur. Learning would spark anxiety in their minds and cause them to put up barriers before they had even arrived. Learning occurs best when we are engaged and enjoying ourselves and if I wanted any chance of the kids excited to be coming and receptive to the activities and conversations then the name had to change. ‘Life Group’ was born. Essentially that’s exactly what we do any way, we just live life together for four hours on a Monday and experience whatever learnings come our way.

Our Morning Rhythm

I truly believe the morning rhythm is one of the most important part of your days. It’s setting the intention for the rest of your day. If there is yelling, rushing and constant battling with each other then the rest of your day is likely to follow suit. Alternatively, if the morning is a time where everyone’s needs are met and it is a place of support and understanding then the day can only go up from there.

Deschooling - What, How & Why

Deschooling. You might have heard this term getting used before but what is it and how do you do it? Deschooling is not a style of homeschool, rather a process to help in the transition from schooling to homeschooling. It is an important step in setting your family up for the best success with homeschooling.

Our ‘Why’

Knowing your ‘why’ is such an important aspect to any decision in life. This is your big reason as to why you are making the decision. A clear and defined ‘why’ will help ground you when judgment is flying in from all angles. It will act as a guide when you get off track and it will constantly remind you of what is truly important. So why do we unschool? What is our ‘why’?

Our Story

When I was younger all I wanted to be was as a teacher. I thrived in school and looked up to most of my teachers. I wanted to please them. I never handed any work in late and in my later years went above and beyond to get great grades. I fitted the mould perfectly…